Sunday, March 23, 2014

Something people may not want to talk about....Menstrual products

So, I work with a lovely lady who has decided to try going as Plastic-free as she can for a year (Try googling Non-Plastic Maori). I follow both her blog and her facebook page, and as a result I have really started to become a lot more aware of our plastic waste and where it ends up.
Being a pad user - as opposed to a tampon user - I have in the past, resorted to using sterile rags; Two reasons - I had run out of disposables and or I occasionally developed an allergy to the pads themselves.

I did a bit of my own investigations on the net and found a link to another blog with full instructions, plus pattern, for making your own.

Fortunately I had purchased squares of brightly coloured flannel at the Salvation Army last year - really cheap, and I still hadn't found a use for them.
 Now I just have to make the inserts before 'that time of the month rolls around' :P